Please Note:
You've come to the right place to find top quality, dignified and inviting Bulk Rosary Beads at an affordable price in Australia. No junky plastic.
Each decade is painted a different colour to entice young people to enjoy praying. Designed with care.
6-7mm painted (non-toxic) wooden beads with twisted twine. 30cm long. For prayer, not wear.
Excellent quality, modern, robust and beautiful. Ready-built for little (& big) hands and long-lasting.
Blessed by a Catholic Priest, (Fr Joshy, a Capuchin Friar, in Brisbane). A special gift to be cherished.
Comforting silver imprint on the cross, “I am with you” (Matt 28:20). Invites us to feel loved by God.
Free modern printable Rosary materials included with attractive images. Draws us into the stories.
Australia Post tracked postage included in the price. For peace of mind.
Limited stock, so first in, best dressed.
You'll need to email me your postal address please.